Welcome to YU - School of Art

The Yale School of Art is a graduate school that confers MFAs in Graphic Design , Painting/Printmaking, Photography, and Sculpture; and offers undergraduate-level art courses to Yale College students. Our website exists as an ongoing collaborative experiment in digital publishing and information sharing. It functions as a wiki—all members of the School of Art community have the ability to add new, and edit most existing content

This website exists as an ongoing collaborative experiment in digital publishing and information sharing. Because this website functions as a wiki, all members of the School of Art community—graduate students, faculty, staff, and alums—have the ability to add new content and pages, and to edit most of the site's existing content.

Content is the property of its various authors. When you contribute to this site, you agree to abide by Yale University academic and network use policy, and to act as a responsible member of our community.

Page last changed by: Lindsey Mancini

Happening at SoA

Photography event
Spring 2023 Visiting Artist lectures

Spring 2023 Visiting Artist lectures are happening primarily in person, with some guests joining us online via Zoom. Attendance for in-person lectures is limited to current members of the School of Art community.

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Photography event
Interdepartmental Open Studios: PHOTOGRAPHY

Dear Friends,
This song invites you to join: INTERDEPARTMENTAL OPEN STUDIOS open to SoA community
Thur., Feb. 2, 2023, 12:15 - 2:00 PM

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Photography event

Hey everyone! I've been mapping public art in New Haven as part of my nonprofit project ArtAround and I'd love to invite you to join me, or just check it out and see what you think.

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Photography event

Hey everyone! I've been mapping public art in New Haven as part of my nonprofit project ArtAround and I'd love to invite you to join me, or just check it out and see what you think.

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Funding and Financial Aids

The Yale Arts Apprenticeship Program is an initiative that connects Yale undergraduates, particularly those on financial aid, with professional arts practitioners of any discipline. As an option within Yale's Summer Experience Award (SEA) funding model, the Arts Apprenticeship must fulfill the same basic requirements. Additional details, as well as those specific to the Arts Apprenticeship are included below. Yale faculty, alumni, or other arts practitioners interested in featuring positions through the program should contact Yale's Creative Careers advisor. Which Opportunities are Eligible?...

A message from Communications

All members of the SoA community are invited to edit the majority of the wiki however they like, but we ask that any non-curricular projects or initiatives that you would like to share be added to the non-curricular section of the homepage. Students are also invited to reach out to Assistant Director of Communications Lindsey Mancini if they would like additional support from the School in bringing attention to their work and endeavors.